Change can be hard.
For many of us, when it comes to nutrition and (not) managing stress, we have learned to do what makes us most comfortable. Habits having to do with lifestyle and nutrition are ingrained and have become routine. But, if these habits aren’t serving you, you have the choice to make new, healthier habits.
It won’t be easy in some cases, of course. It takes time to create new positive patterns while transitioning away from those negative ones but think about this—those habits that are not serving you now became easy and second nature somehow. Why can’t new, healthier habits become easy and second nature as well?
Before WWII, most foods grown in the US were considered “safe”. Nutrient-dense foods grew in rich topsoil and were free from harmful herbicides and pesticides. However, our foods have become increasingly harmful.
The most widely used herbicide in the world is Glyphosate- more commonly known as Round Up. It’s a concoction of chemicals used not only to kill unwanted weeds, but to speed up the maturation process of certain grains so that farmers can harvest crops sooner.
For the last 20-30 years, Glyphosate has been used on crops all over the world. Created in 1974, it drastically changed the landscape of our food sources. It is used on everything from soy and corn to wheat and oats, affecting not only the foods themselves, but the very soil they’re grown in.

I mentioned last week that when I went gluten and dairy-free to address my Crohn’s symptoms, it was difficult to find food substitutes. Nowadays, many grocery stores offer extensive options for people who have food sensitivities or allergies. Despite the ease with which many of us are able to locate foods that meet our nutritional and gut-health needs, some people are still skeptical.
Have you heard any of these?
Why is everyone going gluten-free these days?
When I was your age, we just ate regular bread and we were fine.
Organic food is just another way for business to make money.
Gluten-free is just another fad.
Read more...I remember back in the day when I first started eating dairy-free and gluten-free in an effort to ease my digestive issues. It was sometimes really hard to find foods I could eat!
But today is a totally different story! The food options for people with digestive issues and food sensitivities just seem to be growing. There are now entire aisles at some grocery stores dedicated to foods for just about any diet. There are options for vegans and vegetarians, gluten-free, dairy-free, and low-FODMAP options.
It can be easy to find what you need if you know WHAT you need. But what if you don’t have a diagnosis? How do you know where to start?