While I have gotten some recent compliments about my quarantine beard, my rugged handsomeness is not really what I'm talking about here.
Through the years there have been multiple instances in which doctors, friends, family, and others underestimated the extent of my digestive issues - because I “looked” OK.
I remember going to my pediatrician and sharing with him how frequently my stomach hurt. He looked me up and down and in all his medical knowledge, declared “well you’re taller than me, you don’t look sick!” Thanks.

If you were doubling over in gut pain or having multiple bowel movements per day and some digestive “guru” simply told you not to think about your digestion, you would write that “guru” off pretty quick.
Well, I’m no guru but I am telling you to minimize your focus on your bowel movements. Easier said than done, sure, but hear me out… As Dr. Thurman Fleet said in his book, Rays of the Dawn, “ Any part or function of the body is apt to become disordered if too much attention is centered on it. Body processes that are controlled by the innate mind are best performed when left undisturbed by the educated mind. In the case of sleep and digestion, we cannot pay too LITTLE attention.”
I used to toss and turn all night long…either half asleep or fully awake most of the night. I’d glance at the clock with increasing anxiety as another 15 minutes would tick by and I was STILL awake. I knew I’d finally doze off 10 minutes before my alarm went off (never failed!!).
I eventually even started to dread going to bed!
I was tired all day long…my body ached, I suffered from brain fog, and I just felt like I was just trying to get through my day with absolutely no energy. Not a good combo from someone who also suffers from Crohn’s Disease.
Hello! Dr. Troy here!
If you’re reading this, it’s likely you or someone you love has been dealing with chronic diarrhea, bowel urgency, Crohn’s, Colitis, or other digestive issues that have been affecting your life in key areas. For example, have you been avoiding and losing opportunities in important areas of your life, such as travel, work, and relationships? I would guess the answer is “yes.” I know because I’ve been there!
As you may know, I was diagnosed with Crohn’s Disease when I was 20 years old, though I probably developed symptoms as young as 10-12 years old.