Research has shown that your digestive tract—commonly referred to as “the gut”— can affect everything from your ability to absorb nutrients from food to seasonal allergies to your mood.
Bacteria in the gut helps keep your digestion healthy and in check, but when something’s off in the gut, such as a bacterial imbalance or a leaky gut, it can contribute to chronic inflammation in other parts of the body causing fatigue, mood swings, autoimmune issues, and digestive distress amongst a host of other possible symptoms.

Now let’s be honest here. The supplement aisle at the health food or grocery store can be an overwhelming place! It can be difficult to know which products will be most effective, which is why I recommend doing your homework beforehand. There are many varieties of helpful supplements, but today I want to focus on the power of probiotics.
In a nutshell, probiotics are beneficial bacteria—living microorganisms that keep the gut functioning properly. We now realize our overuse of antibiotics, antimicrobial soaps, and certain aspects of our modern lifestyles have wiped out a huge percentage of the bacterial diversity in our guts, causing us to be sicker and less resilient.
Thankfully, we are learning more about this amazing bacterial world every day and there are several probiotic strains that have been shown to help support digestive function by replenishing our guts with beneficial bacterial and protecting the gut lining from further destruction. Research confirms the effectiveness of probiotics on healing the gut, but there are many types of probiotic supplements.

But probiotics aren’t only beneficial for digestive health. Research studies show that they can help with heart health, eczema, weight loss and mental health!
I have a few "go to" brands but the simplest recommendation for those of you dealing with diarrhea are to look for a fairly diverse (7-15 strains) probiotic that includes the Bifido and Lacto families with at least 50 billion CFU's per capsule to start with daily. Eventually you may not need this many or at all! Your individual health history, lifestyle, food choices and more all contribute what and how much is ideal for you.
To learn more about probiotic supplements and my “go to” brands, be sure to grab my free Digestive Health Supplements guide, which you can get here.
Remember, these are only general recommendations. Please check with your healthcare provider before taking any new medications or supplements and remember that personalized care is the best approach for success as it can take time to find the right combination of supplements!
If you have questions or would like my help in creating your custom roadmap to end your diarrhea and bathroom urgency, just reach out to me at: drtroy@drtroywillis.com
Or schedule your own free Meet & Greet Consultation here.
Happy Healing!
Dr. Troy Willis“The Unfortunate Expert”