I used to toss and turn all night long…either half asleep or fully awake most of the night. I’d glance at the clock with increasing anxiety as another 15 minutes would tick by and I was STILL awake. I knew I’d finally doze off 10 minutes before my alarm went off (never failed!!).
I eventually even started to dread going to bed!
I was tired all day long…my body ached, I suffered from brain fog, and I just felt like I was just trying to get through my day with absolutely no energy. Not a good combo from someone who also suffers from Crohn’s Disease.
Read more...Vitamin D deficiency plays a significant role in autoimmune disease, gut health, and digestion. In fact, there is strong evidence that Vitamin D deficiency may even be a contributor to autoimmune disease.
Your body synthesizes Vitamin D in response to absorption of UVB radiation from the sun. It is a type of steroid hormone that controls the expression of more than 200 genes and the proteins those genes regulate.
One of the silver linings of the Coronavirus shutdown for me is that I’ve been able to spend more quality time with my family. Recently, we rediscovered our trampoline which has hardly gotten any use the past few years. My two youngest kids egged me on to jump with them and all I could think about was how it was going to bother my knees or hurt my back.
But instead, we spent an amazing 20 minutes jumping together- laughing hysterically and then having meaningful conversations as we laid on our backs, exhausted and happy.
I talk with my clients a lot about the puzzle pieces that all need to come together for good overall health. A balanced diet, restorative sleep, appropriate movement, and stress management are key components when considering a person’s gut healing journey.
But did you know that these components that are so vital to gut health might look different as the seasons change?