Choosing supplements can be overwhelming, but I’d like to share with you what I consider my “go to” supplement for overall health: Humic and Fulvic. I consider it a foundational necessity.
Dr. Troy Willis: Supplements for Digestive Health
While it is a very safe supplement, there is a method its use and it is important to work with someone who is experienced so that a proper dosage can be decided upon. An experienced professional can also walk you through any side effects that might come up.
In times of high stress, it can be easy to be carried from one chaotic moment or thought to the next. This seems to be especially true right now. For many of us, the news is on in the background constantly and we scroll through the headlines looking for the latest updates on what is happening in the world around us.
Creating a quiet space in the midst of all of this information overload can be a challenge but being mindful is vital to our well-being.
Read more...Hello! Dr. Troy here! First of all—how are you doing? No, really. How are you?
It would be an understatement to say that we are accustomed to enjoying the freedom and safety that comes with being an American. There’s so much uncertainty surrounding the daily developments of COVID-19, but this new environment also has a lot of us feeling like we’re losing our freedom. We’re afraid for our health and the health of those we love, but we’re also afraid of losing our lives as we know them.
The constant barrage of news and rising numbers can create a cycle of worry and anxiety that directly impacts our health—even down to our gut. Fear can drive us to turn within and cause us to shut down, perpetuating feelings of isolation and helplessness. It can also lead us to return to unhealthy habits as a result of disrupted routines or in an effort to find comfort. All of this impacts our gut health and has a DIRECT impact on digestive an autoimmune symptoms.
Read more...Last week, we talked about the many health benefits of exercise and I offered a few tips for overcoming barriers to adding some more movement into your day.
While these tips are all great ideas for committing to an exercise program, I know first-hand that those suffering from autoimmune disease or chronic digestive issues often experience even more complex barriers to getting enough exercise to support good health.