By now you know my personal experience with Crohn's disease.
Healing my Crohn's was way harder, took longer, and was quite honestly more dangerous that it needed to be—all because I made it that way.
In the early days of my disease I was waiting for a pill to fix me and for too long I relied on a medical model that quite frankly didn’t have answers for me. I bought into the idea that I was just unlucky and was destined to deal with Crohn's until they found a cure. This mindset kept me isolated and stuck without health or hope.
I made things harder on myself because I was determined to "suffer" my way to health. I restricted my diet in unhelpful ways, only to realize that the physical and emotional stress of this approach and lack of nutrients made me even more sick.
The impact of diet on gut health is well-established but did you know that your sleep habits themselves may be wreaking havoc on your gut as well? Or…that poor gut health may interfere with your sleep quality?
We’ve talked about how important a well-balanced combination of beneficial bacteria is to overall health and how stress can negatively impact that balance.
But research shows that sleep may be just as important for a healthy gut. When our sleep is disrupted, stressful, or not plentiful enough it can disrupt the gut microbiome in several ways.
Choosing supplements can be overwhelming, but I’d like to share with you what I consider my “go to” supplement for overall health: Humic and Fulvic. I consider it a foundational necessity.
Dr. Troy Willis: Supplements for Digestive Health
While it is a very safe supplement, there is a method its use and it is important to work with someone who is experienced so that a proper dosage can be decided upon. An experienced professional can also walk you through any side effects that might come up.
How is it already April? Time for rain showers and spring cleaning, right? This year though is different. Many of us are working from home right now and haven’t spent this much time at home well, ever. Others are on the frontlines—those working in the medical field, law enforcement and grocery stores (THANK YOU!).
Whether you’re home more often or not, it’s important for all of us to have a Home Sanctuary—especially when facing so much stress and fear. Recharging the mind, body, and soul is vital to our health and overall wellness and our living space can help or hinder us.